Documentation by TAPgiles


Outputs a signal to one of many outputs. (Jj)

Good for setting up modes of behaviour or states of an object. (Tg)

# Output

When in “passthrough” mode, the signal sent is taken from the active port’s input. If the active port has an input, that value is sent. If the active port does not have an input, 1 is sent.

When not in “passthrough” mode, 1 is sent.

Good for making menus (Tg), grid menus (Tg), modes (Tg), and character customisation (Tg).
While the selector gadget is limited to a maximum 10 channels, other simple logic setups can be used to have similar functionality with any number of channels. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

Tweak Menu

# Selection Count

The number of channels available.

Other logic can be used to “select” from more than 10 options. (Tg)

# Selections

Labelled as A - J. Selections beyond the port count are greyed out.

While a channel is active, it will send a signal from its output.

If nothing is wired into the “active port” input and the signal sent into a channel becomes positive, this triggers that channel to become the active channel. (Tg)

Note that if the signal started positive from the start of the scene, it didn’t “become” positive and so will not trigger this change. To do this from the start of the scene will require at least 1 frame where the signal is non-positive, and then 1 frame where the signal is positive. This can be done using a timeline. (Tg)

# Next Selection, Previous Selection

Moves channel by 1, or loops to the start or end.

When “next selection” is triggered, the next channel will become the active channel. If there is no next channel available, the first channel A will become the active channel.

When “previous selection” is triggered, the previous channel will become the active channel. If there is no previous channel available, the last available channel will become the active channel.

# Passthrough

Sets the gadget to “passthrough” mode, to send the active channel’s input to its output. (Tg)

# Active Port

Gets or sets the “index” (number position) of the current active selection. (Pk) Numbering starts from 0.


The input value is rounded down (floored) to choose which channel is selected. If a negative value is received, the first channel is active. If a value greater than the last channel is received, the last channel is active.

Input Active Index
n < 0 0
0 < n < available n
available < n available