Documentation by TAPgiles
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# Foreword

I've been making materials teaching people how to use Dreams for a few years now, all funded by people like you: dreamers, members of this wonderful community who wish to support people like me.

While Media Molecule are focused on adding features and fixing bugs, there's only a few of us doing this work for little or no pay. Because we're passionate about Dreams, and we know that without someone supporting creators new and old alike it will only get harder for people to understand the details of how Dreams works as it grows with ever more capabilities.

So we make it our mission to help creators shine. To help newcomers making their first ever games, and more experienced creators find ways to bring their vision to life.

This documentation, along with its counterpart the icons guide, is a big part of that. I work on it periodically, keeping it up to date when updates are released and adding features to improve the usefulness of it for creators.

Another big part of my work is creating tutorial videos. These cover everything from deep-dives exactly how specific gadgets work—allowing creators to use them in even more interesting and complex ways, to showing beginners how to make simple mechanics to hit the ground running as they start creating their own art and games.

But all of this work means I need your help.

If you are able, please visit my Patreon page. gives me a monthly sum from you to me, which entirely goes towards paying my rent and bills. In return, supporters get early access to my videos, updates on what I'm up to for the community... But most of all, it's a way for them to give back to one of the few who work tirelessly for the community.

Please visit and give generously if you can, to keep me working to help the community for years to come. Heart

# Acknowledge­ments

While I solely write and maintain this document, I couldn’t have gotten started on such a large project without the help of other dreamers.

First and foremost, my supporters. These kind dreams creators have donated towards my living expenses since the start of my going full-time, and those people have played a big part in making the TAPgiles Dreams Documentation become a reality.

Others of the Dreams teaching community have been a big help also, especially in the early days of writing the first version of this documentation.

I’d like to give a special thanks to LadyLexUK and QuietlyWrong who wrote the DreamSchool documentation articles, which I used as reference for things like setting names and icons when I was away from my PS4.

Throughout this document are links to specific time stamps of videos created by myself and the community. Each such link uses a code to remind you of who made the video. For example (Mm) means Media Molecule made the video that is linked to.

# Video Credits: A big thank you to everyone listed below for creating content to help the community. Videos by other creators and teachers were vital to the creation of the early versions of this documentation. Thank you all!

Media Molecule (Mm) Youtube, Twitch. PSN: MmOfficial, MmDreamQueen.
TAPgiles (Tg) Youtube, Twitch. PSN: TAPgiles, Supposer.
JimmyJules153 (Jj) Youtube. PSN: JimmyJules153.
Lucid Stew (Ls) Youtube. PSN: Lucid_Stew.
Pookachoo (Pk) Youtube(106). PSN: Pookachoo.
Cutaia (Cu) Youtube, Twitch. PSN: cutaia_net.
CuriousCat (Cc) Youtube.
Atomtwix (At) Youtube.
AmazingOomoo (Ao) Youtube.
Bogdan Vera (Bg) Youtube, Twitch. PSN: Doepfish.
Aecert (Ac) Youtube, Twitch. PSN: Aecert.
JustinLied (Jl) Youtube.
cgCody (Cg) Twitter. PSN: cgCody.
Meanlad (Ml) Youtube. PSN: meanlad.

# Common Controls

# Shift

Many controls have a “shifted” shortcut associated with them.

For example, R2 will grab and hold an object, whereas shift + R2 will clone an object and hold the clone.

When using a Dualshock or Dualsense controller, hold L1 to shift whatever controls you are using. When using the Move controllers, hold Triangle on the Secondary Move controller.

# Scope In, Scope Out

Scoping in will allow you to access the contents of something. (Tg) (Mm)

Scoping out will end accessing the contents of something.

Adjust Properties

Allows us to edit the properties of the object itself. For example, the speed of a Mover or the size of a sculpt shape.


# I/O: stands for “Input, Output.”

# Scope It In/Out: This involves holding an object while scoping into a group or our of a group. You are “scoping the object in” or “scoping the object out” of that group.