Documentation by TAPgiles

Trigger Zone

Detects if an object of some kind is within the defined zone. (Mm) For example, detecting if a tag gadget is within the zone. (Jj)

While the gadget is selected or its tweak menu is open, the zone will be displayed in the scene. While it’s displayed, you can adjust its size by hovering over a side to see an arrow pointing away from the shape in the direction you can pull it. Drag it to adjust that side. (Jj) (Mm)

Can also have a falloff, to measure how close a detected object is to the core zone. This falloff is measured from the edge of the core shape and beyond. Adjust the falloff - shortcuts: while dragging the side of the zone.

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

Performance: No discernable performance limit while seeking positions, or using the scene zone shape. While seeking objects by their shape without using the scene zone shape, a limited number of gadgets can be active at once. (Tg)

Gizmo: A location marker, and a zone visualisation. The zone must contain the location point and some shapes require it to be the centre.

Drag the zone with the Move controls to change the core shape/size. Hold shift while dragging to change the falloff shape/size.

Note that the adjusting gizmo doesn’t do anything when using the “scene” as the zone to detect in.

Different shapes adjust the same way as in sculpt mode.

While the tweak menu is open or the trigger zone gadget is selected, objects that could be detected by it will flash green. This happens whether they are currently detected by the trigger zone or not. (Cc)

# Important Properties Tab

# Things to Detect

Defines what kind of object the gadget tries to detect. Note that if an object is within the trigger zone but powered off, it will not be detected.

# Name to Detect

Used to name the tag, scene element, or labelled element being looked for. (Cc)

If a name is specified in the “Name to Detect” setting, only objects with that name are detected. Because of this, you can use this mode and allow all labels, and just use the name feature to look for any sculpt or group with that name.

When defined, this affects what objects may be detected by certain detection modes.

# Detection Scope

# Number to Detect

The minimum number of targets required to be considered “detected.” More targets may be present. (Cc)

Also dictates the maximum number that will be sent by the “number detected” output.

# Number Detected

Outputs the number of detected targets, to a maximum of the “number to detect.” (Cc) (Tg)

# Dreamiverse Element to Detect

This is an attachment input to link to an element within the scene. Only available when looking for an “element.”

Lets you search for a specific element locally or in the Dreamiverse. The trigger zone will look for that element. (Cc)

# Scene Element to Detect

Links to any number of specific sculpts or groups within the scene to be detected by the trigger zone.

# Detected

Sends a 0 - 1 signal based on the target’s position within the defined zone. (Tg)

# Consider Players

When on, the Detected output will send detection signals for each player or non-player separately depending on which player owns the object being detected. (Tg) If the trigger zone gadget is inside an object owned by a player, detected objects will output separate detection signals depending on which players own trigger zones that are detecting it. (Tg)

This setting is forced on or off when searching for certain types of objects, as explained in Things to Detect.

# Zone Size Tab

You can use things like fall off to make it seem like the sound is at a certain position within the scene relative to a particular point. (Tg)

# Labels Tab